Printing machine type FP

Printing on panels and flat materials with UV ink ​


The extreme speed of printing on large-format materials in very high optical resolution.
The machine is adjustable for a printing width of up to 1100 mm and lengths of up to 10 000 mm.
Automatic tilting of panels for printing on edges.
Print in the CMYK color configuration extensible to additional color channels (White, Varnish, Spot color)


■ Print resolution: 360 x 360 dpi 
■ Optical resolution: 2160 x 2160 dpi
■ Dimensions of the panels: up to 1100 x 10 000 mm (dimensions are adjustable according to customer’s requirements)
■Electric energy consumption: 7,2 – 10,9 kWh
■ Activation of ink: UV lamp / UV LED lamp
■ Automatically adjustable printing height 0 – 70 mm
■ Check of panel placement before printing
■ Automatic detection of the beginning of a panel and its length
■ Automatic tilting of a panel for printing on the edge
■ Operating software AXprint

Aroja Xorfex digital printing on panels garage doors